Physicians Email List & Mailing List - Free Sample
Getting your message in front of doctors is easy with our Physicians and Surgeons specialty list.
Physician email addresses from AccuDB are found inside the physician database, which is completely phone-verified every six months. A unique verification process guarantees the monitoring of this database to ensure clients receive the most high-quality physician email list. Each record that is added to or updated in the AccuDB databases is phone-verified at the source by the AccuDB Research Center.
The AccuDB database has 2.1 million profiles of healthcare providers and other decision makers from 480,000 healthcare facilities nationwide.
Our List Includes:
- Company Name
- Company Website
- Contact Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Executive Title
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- State or Province
- Zip code
- Country
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Sic Code
- Primary & Secondary Industry
- Employee size
- Revenue($Mil)
- LinkedIn Profile (Optional)