Biotechnology Email List
Biotechnology is a rising field inside the human services segment. An industry dependent on bleeding edge of advances are as keen on the most recent logical advances as they are in the most current financial exchange reports. Among most direct advertising techniques, email promoting has been demonstrated as the best and simple of arriving at the prospects. AccuDB has a pleased history in giving first rate showcasing arrangements and our biotechnology email records will sure set your business focus ablaze!
Our customized marketing material can get in touch with List of Biotech companies with interests in any of the following:
- Antibodies,
- Antigens,
- Assays,
- Autoimmune,
- Bioinformatics,
- Biosynthesis,
- Clinical Trials,
- Cloning,
- Clotting,
- DNA,
- Drug Delivery,
- Enzymes, Fusion,
- Gene Therapy,
- Genetic Engineering,
- Genomes,
- Investigational Drugs,
- Monoclonal Antibodies,
- Proteomics,
- Regeneration,
- Vaccines and more!
What the list includes:
- Company Name
- Website
- Contact Name
- Title
- Address
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- SIC Code
- NAIC Code
- Industry
- Employees Size
- Revenue Size
- LinkedIn Profile
Get A Free Sample
In contrast to most by far of rundown merchants, AccuDB provides you with entirely exclusive contacts that accompany a 90% conveyance ensure. We can enable you to break into various specialty markets with focused showcasing efforts.
Targeted selects from our biotechnology email lists
- Job Titles – Quality Assurance, Research and Development, Scientists, Clinical trials etc
- Practice size
- Estimated company revenue or employee size
- Region
- Area code
- Zip code
- City
- State
- And many more!
List Delivery Guarantee:
95%+ for Direct mails, 95%+ for Tele-contacts and 85% to 90% + for emails
To make sure your campaign cuts through the competition, contact AccuDB now!
Call us today at +1 (609) 357-4731 (or) Email us at: